The ingredients of an exceptional hiring experience

In our post-pandemic world, the business of recruitment is highly competitive. To attract candidates, companies have had to up their game, sharpen their strategies and focus on delivering an exceptional employee experience – from first contact through to the selection process and beyond. But at The Workshop, we love a challenge. Over the past few […]

The value of feedback: employees in the driver’s seat

When it comes to career development, feedback is priceless. It helps you identify, manage and manoeuvre your strengths and weaknesses, and take the most effective next steps in your career journey. Using it wisely helps you push forward, taking intelligent risks along the way to uncover hidden potential.  At The Workshop, our Talent Development and […]

The career-boosting power of our Talent Competency Framework

Research shows that only 29% of companies have a career development model in place, with the majority revolving around a basic pay band structure. However, employee tenure is proven to increase by as much as 250%, on average, in companies with such models in place. The implication is clear: to remain competitive, modern organisations should […]

Why should engineers choose Berlin and blockchain?

In 1962, famed British science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke published an essay containing his ‘three laws.’ The third and most famous of these states: any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Those with a long history in technology are aware that this ‘magic’ appears in waves. Home computing, the internet, e-commerce, smart phones, […]

Your candidate journey at The Workshop

As The Workshop’s Talent Acquisition Team, we work with very different perspectives every day. On one hand, we can be working with the leadership team. This involves finding out the company’s needs and upcoming projects to make sure we have the right people in the right place. On the other hand, we need to constantly […]

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