Techkhana 2021

Do you wanna Techkhana? After the wild success of our Tech, Talent & Tapas event last September, we are back with twice as much energy! Let’s have a blast on 2 December at our Techkhana! This will be the first Tech Gymkhana in Málaga. Get ready for an evening of adventure, full of tests and quizzes! […]
Our onboarding experience

Our onboarding experience Our TWS family is constantly growing and we are always thrilled to welcome talented Inventors to the team. But what happens beyond the recruitment process? The employee experience starts with the first steps in a new work environment. These set the tone for how every team member settles into their role, explores […]
Evolving our platform: from on-premise to cloud

Innovation is driven by consistently reinventing and evolving standardised systems and processes. Over the past few years, we’ve focused our efforts on cloud computing optimisation, adopting new ideas and methodologies. Our goal is to integrate the cloud-enabled delivery model further and futureproof our platform. We’re well on our way to making cloud transformation a tangible […]
Life in the clouds

Those who live their dreams know no limitations – our System Administrator Ivica is the perfect embodiment of this. Originally from Croatia, Ivica moved to the south of Spain to join our team and has been working in our Málaga office for the past year and a half. As part of his job, he values […]
Fostering connected learning through our Technical Reading Club

A month and a half ago, we started a Technical Reading Club at The Workshop. To understand the benefits this new learning experience brings us, we asked our members to define what the reading club means to them in one word or phrase, and here is what they had to say: “Learning” «A way to […]
Celebrating female role models in tech

To celebrate one of our own women in tech, we wanted to pass the mic to the amazing Mari Carmen! In this video, she talks through her career journey and following her childhood passion for technology. As a member of our Engineering Security team, Mari Carmen also provides some inside info on life at TWS. […]
Cultural diversity & unconscious biases

Being such a diverse bunch of Inventors here at The Workshop is precious. Our awesome peers from Talent Acquisition, Karolina and Gabriel met up with us for a bar talk, to share their personal stories of cultural diversity, how unconscious bias can compromise it in our daily work and how we can overcome it.
Building an inclusive culture of belonging in technology

As a Talent Acquisition leader, I often challenge the way the companies attract, interview and engage with their potential employees. The discussion on the best practices to build an inclusive culture where everyone feels welcome starts with gathering feedback throughout the different stages of employee onboarding. It starts with building a robust, high-level process, which […]
All about Elasticsearch updates

Pedro is a Database Architect at The Workshop. As the ounder and current leader of the User Group Malaga Databases, Pedro loves learning about technology and exploring his passion for databases. In this article, he provides some pointers on how to manage Elasticsearch upgrades. If you are working with Elasticsearch, you have probably realised that […]
Threat Modeling in Engineering practice

While working on the Product Development team, I never once heard about Threat Modeling. Then a couple of months after I joined the Application Security team, a colleague introduced me to the term — which I mistakenly pronounced “Thread Modeling” after years of dealing with the Java Concurrency model. Threat Modeling itself is intriguing and […]