
4 soft skills every artist should know
October 24, 2022

4 soft skills every artist should know

Mastering soft skills boosts workplace communication and productivity exponentially. Here, The Workshop's Art Lead, Ignacio, showcases how soft skills make the marriage between technology and creativity click.
Making your product speak: The wonders of UX writing
March 11, 2022

Making your product speak: The wonders of UX writing

If writing is about fitting words together and designing is about solving problems for users, UX writing is about helping users accomplish their goals when they use a product by writing copy that will guide them as they interact with digital products.
How we hosted our first remote Designathon event
March 31, 2021

How we hosted our first remote Designathon event

Are you thinking of organising a cross-functional remote event? Say no more – we've got your back. Through running our company-wide Designathon event, we learned how to collaborate and create a sense of togetherness even when we were physically apart. Check out this 10-step guide by our DesignOps Manager Simona on how to organise and run engaging online workshops that drive results.
Design that speaks code. A guide for developer-friendly UI Design
January 26, 2021

Design that speaks code. A guide for developer-friendly UI Design

Even in the most skilled teams, the design-to-development stage can be proven tricky. Our UI Designer, Andrzej, looks at the basics and offers some suggestions to iron out wrinkles for swift and efficient designer-engineer cooperation.
Looks aren’t everything.  Or are they?
November 05, 2020

Looks aren’t everything. Or are they?

According to research, it takes only 1/10th of a second to form a first impression about a person. And it takes about 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about a website that determines whether they’ll stay or leave. In this blog article, our UI Designer, Isabel, shares the 'secret sauce' ingredients in a successful product.
Designing for errors. How to avoid frustrating experiences
September 17, 2020

Designing for errors. How to avoid frustrating experiences

It’s relatively easy to design for ideal scenarios where people use devices and systems as intended. But errors happen, and the real challenge comes when users get into trouble. Our UX Designer, Yolanda, shares some pearls of wisdom on how to design products and services that handle problems and create stress-free user experiences.
The value of white space in design
July 30, 2020

The value of white space in design

Quantum physicists often say that empty space has more energy than everything in the universe. Similarly, our UI Designer, Andrzej, highlights the key role that white space plays in interface design. In this article, he demonstrates how it helps to declutter surfaces, ease cognitive load, and provide website and app users with the right balance of visual clarity
Finding Inspiration in Interface Design
March 09, 2020

Finding Inspiration in Interface Design

Inspiration is an elusive beast. The more you chase her, the faster she runs.
Creating a Navigation Your Users Will Love
January 05, 2020

Creating a Navigation Your Users Will Love

Navigation is the backbone of all software, website and app designs.