The conundrum of security testing

The practice of testing applications for security defects, whether they manifest as logic flaws or bugs in your code, can be a controversial subject for the Application Security (AppSec) community. With the advent of DevSecOps and the introduction of automated tests is the CICD pipeline, testing has increased in popularity (if not frequency). Moreover, testing […]
A pragmatic look at functional programming: The Quick Seat project (Part 3-3)

As seen in the previous two articles, after some research and brainstorming we were convinced that functional programming could help us develop powerful software with fewer lines of code, maximising reusability and greatly reducing the risk of bugs. This would translate to savings in development and maintenance costs, a reduced number of incidents and a […]
A pragmatic look at functional programming: abstraction, parallelism and testing (Part 2-3)

In the previous article we covered the immutability orientation. While investigating the advantages of functional programming languages, we also learnt that it offers a much higher level of abstraction. It requires a radical paradigm shift and it can be shocking at first. But hey, moving from imperative to object oriented programming had a learning curve […]
Create a new workspace from scratch using NX

Have you ever been in the position of starting a new app from scratch? Choosing the right set of tools, libraries or frameworks can be a pain. Fortunately, there are tools that automate this process. In this article we will show how Nx can help you with this problem. What is Nx? Nx is a […]
A pragmatic look at functional programming: The immutability orientation (Part 1)

Functional Programming has been getting more and more attention over the last few years. But what is it exactly? Is it just a bunch of new programming languages? Is it a different way of coding? Can it really make a difference to our business? Three years ago we decided to upgrade the architecture of our […]